Open Learn India runs on the discussions and contributions made by our enthusiastic community who believe in the power of online education. You can join the community and contribute in multiple ways.
Curriculum Curation
If you have specific feedback on the curriculum, ex: add/remove a course OR if you would like to introduce a new branch or stream OR make any other substantive changes, you can either:
- Write to Open Learn India with your suggestions on the GitHub discussions
- If you’re comfortable with GitHub, please open an issue with all the details here
Before writing to us or opening a new issue, please keep the following in mind:
- OLI prioritizes courses that are highly-rated, free and self-paced
- Check that the same issue is not a duplicate of an already open/closed issue
- In your new issue:
- Cover all relevant details and make sure they fit the OLI curriculum criteria
- Make it easier for your suggestion to be accepted by following the format and including all details of each course (working links, core/elective, language etc.)
Create a GitHub account if you don’t already have one.
Minor Changes
If you have minor updates to make to any of the website pages or the curriculum (ex: spelling/grammatical errors, a broken course link), please send a pull request to fix the mistake.
If you are new to GitHub, do not worry. Here is a short tutorial on making your first pull request.
Other ways to contribute
Join the discussions
Engage with the community by asking questions and responding to fellow students via
Responding to Issues
Resolving issues require active community members to read and respond to the suggestions. The discussions and reactions to the issue allows the maintainers to prioritize and improve the project.
License & Usage
Open Learn India is an open-source project with no strings attached. You are free to further customize the curriculum for yourself. Feel free to fork this project for your personal use without worrying about any attribution.